Got 98% Marks in "Best five Subjects" and an 'A' in "SUPW & Community Service" in "Indian School Certificate Examination (ICSE)" conducted by the "Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations". CISCE is considered one of the toughest Examination Board in India and my Coursework was one of the most rigorous coursework prescribed by the CISCE board for Grade 10th.
Subjects I had -
1. English - 92% (Contains two subjects - English Language - 86%, and Literature in English - 98%)
2. Hindi - 99%
3. History, Civics & Geography - 99% (Contains two subjects - History & Civics - 98%, and Geography - 99%)
4. Mathematics - 100%
5. Science - 95% (Contains three subjects - Physics - 93%, Chemistry - 94%, and Biology - 99%)
6. Computer Applications - 100%
7. SUPW and Community Service - 'A'
Best Five - English, Hindi, HC&G, Maths, and Computer Applications
I had been Participating in the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) and the National Science Olympiad (NSO) organized by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) since grade 7th. I have been the class topper in the olympiads in my grades 8th, 9th and 10th. I have also qualified for the IMO 2nd level twice - in Grades 8th and 10th.
A regional organisation, The Egra Organisation for the Cultivation of Science (Egra OCS) conducts tests each years - Test for Scientific Taste (TST) for testing students' Scientific Taste, as is clear from the name. I have been in the Top 3 in my class in that Test.
I had once in grade 10th also participated in the Annual Science Fest by the Egra OCS. The fest was three days long (Aug 10th - Aug 12th, 2019 - I remember the dates cause it was very special to me) and many schools from around the place participated in it. Guess what - I won the First Prize in the Quiz Contest held there on the third day. I was awarded a little book - The Shrining Universe, which is now my fav
In my previous school, each class had a Resource Board beside the Blackboard where students were asked to put up their writings, drawings, jokes, riddles, illusions or anything of their interest. Out of all the pieces of work, three were selected and those students awarded a 'Pen' for their hard work. I have been selected numerous time in that contest in my grades 8th and 9th. Not in 10th due to focus on Board Exams.
CS Related
I have made some apps and websites in my own interest in Computer Science. I like coding things and thus like making these apps and websites. This also helps me in practicing and improving myself in the long run.
This is the Official Description of Hacktoberfest 2021 - "Hacktoberfest, in its 8th year, is a month-long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean. During the month of October, we invite you to join open-source software enthusiasts, beginners, and the developer community by contributing to open-source projects."
I have succesffuly submitted 4+ "Approved" Pull Requests within the Month of October both in 2020 and 2021, completing the Challenge. I got free swags like a Hacktoberfest Tee and Stickers as a prize.
I had participated in the Google Cloud "Learn-to-Earn Challenge" organized by Qwiklabs and Google Cloud Academy in October 2021 and succesffuly completed it. Earned all the 5 badges by completing 44 Hands-on Code Labs. Learned a lot about Google Cloud and also got prizes - A Spill-proof sipper and a Thinking Cap.
I also participated in the new Google Cloud "Learn-to-Earn Cloud Security Challenge" this January (Jan 2022) and completed it succesffuly by finishing 25+ Labs, including 3 Challenge Labs. I won a Google Cloud Hoodie as a prize for completing all the 3 Levels in the Challenge.
My passion for Coding and building new stuff has led me to take different online courses and learn more about Coding.
5. CS50W: CS50's Web Programming with Python and Javascript (by HarvardX)
Certificate URL - Course in Progress. Completed 7 out of 9 weeks Lectures, and 5 out of 7 projects
It is due to these courses that Today I am having a good amount of Knowledge about Programming, and these courses (the YouTube courses) in the beginning fueled my interest in Computer Science.
I am registered with a website called TestIO where customers register themselves to get their websited tested thoroughly manually for Visual, Content, Functional and Usability bugs.
So, there I have found 119 bugs which have been approved by TestIO, and countless Bug Reprodcutions and User Stories.
You can check my TestIO Profile here -
I have also found bugs in the Tufts and the MIT (Miss Bara Blender replied to my bug report of MIT site - websites.
I had easily solved the Practice Problem of the Google Hash Code 2022 coding competition, and registered for the Qualification Round. Tried and solved the first level, but could not effectively solve all the stages of Qualification Round problem. Finished in 6795 rank in the world.
I have LinkedIn Skill Assessment Badges in 3 skills -
1. Python (Programming Language) - Top 30% of All Test Takers (2.4M) in the world,
2. Front-End Development - Top 30% of 296.6k People,
3. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - Top 5% of 1.2M People, and
4. Microsoft Word - Top 15% of 5.5M People.
I am yet to take more Skill quizes and earn more LinkedIn Skill Assessment Badges
I had been Participating in the Annual Sports Day organized by my school every year since childhood, and earned positions in 100m race and Long Jump events.
I have participated in the Online Model UN Conference held by the International Model United Nations Orgranization - I have, in my first ever Model UN Conference, performed quite well and also earned the Verbal Mention Award.
I have also participated in the Campus Ambassador Internship Program by the IMUN. My role was to spread awareness and intellectual benefits of attending an IMUN conference. I had referred a total of 8 participants to register for the IMUN Conference. I have been awarded a Gold IMUN Certificate & a Letter of Recommendation. The LOR is a generic one, and so I thought it would be better to not submit it along with the college application.
Some of my other Small Achievements -
1. I still have my & my Family's years old Smartphone's SIM Ejector tool (That tiny pin to eject the SIM Card Tray) 😁
2. I have never applied filters on my Pictures 😎
3. I save memes in my gallery to use at perfect times, used them and got awarded some laughs 😂
If you have time, I would also request you to read everything by expanding the achievements by clicking on the headings.
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